Sunday, August 29, 2010
#72 Music for Monday (track four)
Should probably ban list talk for a while shall we?!
Unless of course it's to share that I've been ticking things off ;)
This weekend we had the kind of weather that makes me thinks that actually it might not be freezing cold for ever & ever & ever...
I'm hopeful! I'm so ridiculously ready for spring this year.
My weekend was mowing lawns (which sounds dull but comes back to weather, not to mention the smell of spring so was actually mighty exciting!) , some grocery shopping (that was dull), a bit of babysitting, some new shoes for the small one & myself AND a lot of fabric shopping for wedding related projects!
Spent last night divided between watching "Away we go" (which was cute), mediating via phone (which was not fun), & giving myself gigantic blisters & welts as I put in a push toward getting wedding table runners ticked off the list (they are not).
I was saying to Mr N yesterday, I think maybe we've forgotten how to have a weekend. Like a real one???
Here's my James...
"How sweet it is" - James Taylor
James have i told you lately that I love you?
Even though I should be posting a little more frequently this week, the truth of the matter is that I probably won't because...
MY SISTER IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm just a little bit excited... She is after all the greatest sister that ever ever was.
Our friend Mr B is also coming & I just can't wait to see them.
So my apologies in advance...
Monday, August 23, 2010
#71 Lists Lists Lists
I would absolutely love it if you could pick a category, or make up your own, & reply with your own list in the comments???
wedding things i love
1. LOVE.
2. diy & personal details
3. dancing
4. friends & family
5. food
6. commitment
wedding dislikes - obviously my personal opinions!
1. gerberas & to a lesser extent frangipani's.
2. 'bridal' shoes / fabric shoes
3. tacky themed weddings... i know you know the ones i mean...
4. hens nights of a certain kind... again, i know you know the ones i mean
5. cheesy wedding photography
6. cookie cutter weddings.
7. 'bridesmaid' dresses
8. flowergirls being dressed in a way that is older than their age.
9. bedazzlement
10. chair sashes
11. most cake toppers... most tiaras... oh there's just so much! hehe
things i love
1. typewriters
2. photography
3. dancing
4. music & film clips
5. homewares
6. books. especially picture books
favourite foods
2. thai
3. japanese
4. dutch smoked cheese... brie... bocconcini...cheese in general?
5. tapas
6. mangos
when I grow up i'd like to be...
1. an interior designer
2. a graphic designer
3. a children's book author/illustrator
4. an architect (with a focus on sustainable living)
5. a social worker
6. a dancer... a dance teacher...a photographer... an event planner... a stay at home mumma... a children's store owner... maybe a fairy?
random things about me
1. i am the eldest of 5 in a crazy blended/sometimes not so blended family.
2. you know the sound of fingernails on a blackboard? doesn't bother me in the slightest. however, if you brush your hand over a blackboard/dust/flour? ARRGGHHHH! ughhhh.
3. my favourite animals are horses & frogs
4. my favourite colour is probably green... but it's pretty hard to decide?
5. i volunteer with red cross. you should do it too!
6. it annoys me when.people wear shoes with the price/barcode sticker still on the sole. i may or may not have ocd tendencies..
Um so yeah... I kinda failed at sticking to 6 for each?!
I hope you will share a list or two or six as well...
C x
Sunday, August 22, 2010
#70 Music for Monday (track three)
Saturday, August 21, 2010
#69 Jonas Peterson
I feel like such a traitor writing this post, because our photographer is amazing & without a doubt one of the sweetest people you could ever meet.
But I'm having an emotional affair.
I'm sorry Karalee!
Jonas Peterson, Jonas Peterson, Jonas Peterson...
How I love your photos! Oh to spend a lifetime looking at the world as seen through your lens.

Friday, August 20, 2010
#68 The Essence of a Wedding

#67 The Vintage Wedding Dress Strikes Again

Wednesday, August 18, 2010
#66 Knice Knitting

#65 The Little Comment That Could
I love this blog! Have I told you lately?
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
#64 Pleased To 'Meet' You
#63 I Have This Feeling...

Sunday, August 15, 2010
#62 Check?

#61 Music for Monday (track two)
Friday, August 13, 2010
#60 Gasp.
Sunday, August 8, 2010
#59 A Break Up Letter
Dear Sickness,
I don't know where to start so I'll jump right in.
I just don't feel like things are working out between us... it's not me, it's you.
I have a lot of really lovely people in my life right now & I really don't need this toxic relationship that we share.
I hope you can understand that this will be better for both of us in the long run & that we can both move forward in a mature way that is honouring of what we shared, rather than dwelling on the pain of it.
I would appreciate it if you would respect the boundaries of my family, my friends & I, & refrain from all & any form of contact.
There is no need to draw this out, a clean break will be easiest for all concerned.
Goodbye Sickness. I wish you only the best for your future & truly hope that you meet a petri dish that returns your love as you deserve.