I don't love them.
It may be sad, but it is the truth.
There is just an overwhelming amount of bridal garter kitsch out there! Kitsch is not the right word. Think of a worse word & please apply it.
Once I saw a garter that was gorgeous but the price tag was the kind that pained you to even look at. Haven't been able to find it again so even if my money tree did finally begin to flourish...
I informed Mr N that I would not be partaking in garter-ness. He objected.
So I am rethinking & keeping an eye out for a garter that doesn't give me reason to object.
Here are some that I have found & don't mind....

Via Woomi/Etsy & GarterLady/Etsy
Or, perhaps I should mix it up? Whatcha reckon? ;)

There is also the matter of the tradition/origin of the 'Garter toss'... It's all a bit much?
Here's an interesting link if you would like a little history lesson...
And really, does the 'modern age man' really give 2 hoots about it all?!
Did you/Didn't you? Will you/Won't you? What do you think of it all?