We're going to find a BIG one!
I don't yet know where... but surely somewhere in Adelaide there is a tree as beautiful as these ones with our name on it.
Well, not on it exactly as that would most likely be a fine-able offense as any trees this big & beautiful are probably national trust, but the tree meant for us anyway.
Can't you just picture it at the end of the aisle...
Gosh i hope we find one!
If you are in/are familiar with Adelaide & know where 'it' is-please please please enlighten me?
Sometimes my picky/stubborn-ness is little bit more than a lot annoying and i wish I could be more flexible with things... but mostly once I get a certain idea/image in my head then nothing else will do.
Hence the headache of the 'one or the other' direction of reception venue!
What to do, what to do?
Do we go with the surroundings we - yeah yeah lets be honest - i want....
Or with the food?
All attempts to get the 2 of them together have hit brick wall after brick wall after concrete slab.
What's that? Concentrate on the tree? Yup.