I'm running away to join the circus!!!
image via carniverous deer
Ok, so that's a blatant lie. But I am truly running away? At the end of this week I will be deserting my little family & heading off solo to Asia for just over 5 weeks.
I'm quite nervous & very excited! It does mean that things are going to get even quieter around here as I will be trying to focus 100% on taking it all in, but I'm sure I'll find some lovely things to share once I return. I do hope you'll wait for me!
The second piece of exciting news is....
I'm running away to join the circus!!!
images via & hollyhocks and tulips & wolf and willow
Yup sorry, another lie. I have no idea what has come over me?
The second piece of very exciting news is that my lovely man & I have decided to move our little family to Adelaide!
This will likely mean another extended period of quiet blog time, or of very sporadic chatter at the least...
When I return from my trip I will be flying directly to S.A so there will be no time in between for a reunion with online wedding land & as things will be a bit crazy for a while as we try to settle in I'm afraid I might be absent for a while longer.
I wish I could say that congratulations were in order for my devious skill in avoiding the big move by scampering off overseas, but alas the copious amounts of packing are to blame for this weeks silence as I am attempting to pack before i leave and it will all be waiting for me in storage when I come back. That's a great big fail in sneakiness isn't it?!
However, I'm reeeeeaaally looking forward to some incredibly exciting wedding fun projects in 'Radelaide' & definitely looking forward to some certain super love projects with some amaaaazing people that I can't wait for. Hope to then share of course! If anyone is still here when I get back that is... eek!
It's also likely that there will be a fourth piece of exciting news (how much excitment can one person take i ask you?!) that will 'occur' in my absence, likely september, that I may recruit someone else to share with you...
Hope to see you/ hear from you on the other side of the insanity!
All my love, C x